
Social Media Marketing Done Right via Twitter | OneVA Hub

Social Media Marketing Done Right via Twitter

In our previous article, you have learned about the benefits of Twitter marketing to your business and the ways to create the right strategies. As we continue on this topic, you will find below 12 tips to succeed in your social media marketing efforts on Twitter.

1. Customize your business account.

Your customization should of course depend on the branding that you want to represent. Make use of your company’s logos, official colors, and other custom details to make your account unique and distinguishable for your audience.

2. Follow best practices.

Keep your marketing messages concise. Limit hashtags to 1-2 per tweet only. Always include a call to action. Avoid images with too much text. Put captions for video content that has dialogues. Have a content theme for your hashtags. Track indirect mentions through hashtags and keywords.

3. Use the right handle, picture, and header photo.

Include your business name on your Twitter handle to be recognizable to your desired audience. Make it short yet catchy, and don’t forget to mention it in your comments as much as possible. Moreover, your profile picture and header image should of course be consistent with your company’s branding.

4. Optimize your bio.

Since Twitter bio is limited to 160 characters only, make sure yours count. Optimize it in a way that the bio below your profile picture comprehensively describes what your company does. This part of your account should be a killer copy! Draft a bio that is accurate yet with personality as well.

5. Schedule tweets during peak hours.

According to Hootsuite, the best time to post on Twitter is during Mondays-Thursdays around 8 AM. But then again, you should consider the location/s of your target market when scheduling posts. By ensuring that your posting falls within the peak hours, you can get more impressions and boost your Twitter account’s engagement.  

6. Master the use of hashtags.

Did you know that the use of hashtags in social media originated from Twitter? Yup, and tweets with hashtags get 2x more engagement than those that do not have. You just have to stick to 1-2 hashtags per tweet so you don’t overuse this feature and effectively reach a wider audience.

7. Make advanced search a habit.

Twitter has an advanced search feature that enables you to find out the people or accounts that are talking about your business on the platform. The search results will then help you find potential leads that you can send promotional tweets or write marketing emails to.

8. Include images in tweets.

You can increase your chances of getting retweets, likes, and clicks by adding images to your tweets. Everyone on social media loves content with images and videos. A Twitter survey revealed that tweets with images get 89% more likes and favorites. So, go ahead and attach relevant and compelling photos to your Twitter content.

9. Improve engagement through videos.

Videos outperform images, that’s for sure. This type of content surely gets attention, and Twitter’s video option makes it easy for your business to add branded videos to your tweets. By doing so, your content will be more likely to be watched and retweeted.

10. Create polls.

To interact further with followers, you may conduct interesting polls on your Twitter page. People love answering polls as such allow them to share their opinions. Aside from better engagement, you can also get customer feedback easily by taking advantage of this feature.

11. Incorporate the right CTAs.

Bring in more sales, generate leads, and boost clicks on your Twitter account and other official company pages by using smart CTA buttons on your tweets. Some of the most effective actions you can use on Twitter include Follow Us, Learn More, Shop Now, and Visit Our Site.

12. Utilize ad campaigns.

Finally, invest in ad campaigns if you want a quick and definite boost to your engagement rate on Twitter. The likes of promoted tweets and conversational ads encourage Twitter users to check out your brand.

For more expert advice on social media marketing and other digital marketing strategies, talk to OneVA Hub today!

Jessica Arnaiz

Jessica Arnaiz

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    December 25, 2022

    That means you’ll see some supplemental features and from access to additional channels where you can win visibility, without having to put to rights sense of some elaborate, vade-mecum migration process.

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